Domestic Violence
Battered Women's Justice Project – is the national resource center on civil and criminal justice responses to intimate partner violence (IPV). In addition to our main office in Minneapolis, BWJP manages the National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith and Credit and partners with the National Clearinghouse on the Defense of Battered Women, which provides assistance to IPV victims charged with crimes and their defense teams. All three offices provide technical assistance and training to professionals engaged in these systems: advocates, civil attorneys, judges and related court personnel, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, probation officers, batterers intervention program staff, and defense attorneys; as well as to policymakers, the media, and victims, including incarcerated victims, and their families and friends. BWJP also assists tribal and military personnel who fulfill equivalent positions in their respective institutional responses to IPV, Minneapolis, MN.
Carolyn S. Hennecy ~ Domestic Violence Speaker & Author – endured sexual abuse as a child before becoming a victim of spousal abuse and battering as a woman. She is now an author, committed advocate, Designated Victim Services Practitioner and accredited speaker working to bring awareness regarding abuse and domestic violence. As a speaker, Carolyn informs, motivates and empowers victims and struggling survivors of abuse to see their options and potentials. She also educates and enlightens others, trying to eradicate the senseless emotional and mental damage, physical injuries, and far too often, deaths that occur as a result of abuse and domestic violence, Lakeland, FL. Visit the Orange Blossom Wishes website.
Casa de Esperanza (English / Español) – we are a Latina organization – in both staffing and approach. Our Board of Directors is 80% Latina, and our staff is 72% Latina. All our work is grounded in Latina realities. Our starting point in supporting Latinas and our communities is their strength; we assist them to recognize their strengths, build on them and reach their goals. Effective responses to domestic violence are shaped by the lived realities of Latinas and facilitate support systems "where they live." It is the community that will end domestic violence, not Casa de Esperanza or any other system or organization, St. Paul, MN.
Casa de Esperanza Receives $100,000 Donation from Verizon to Raise Awareness about Domestic Violence, PR Newswire, Basking Ridge, NJ: January 26, 2012.
Casa de Esperanza Named National Resource Center on Domestic Violence by the Department of Health and Human Services, October 2011.
National Latin@ Network (English and Español) – we are the national institute on domestic violence focusing on Latin@ communities, a project of Casa de Esperanza. We provide training and consultations to practitioners and activists through the US, as well as in Latin America. We organize national and regional events. We engage in federal and state public policy advocacy and conduct research on issues that affect Latin@s in the US and abroad. We produce practical publications and tools for the field, disseminate relevant, up-to-date information and facilitate an online learning community that supports practitioners, policy makers and researchers who are working to end domestic violence.
Casa de Esperanza Named National Resource Center on Domestic Violence by the Department of Health and Human Services, October 2011.
National Latin@ Network (English and Español) – we are the national institute on domestic violence focusing on Latin@ communities, a project of Casa de Esperanza. We provide training and consultations to practitioners and activists through the US, as well as in Latin America. We organize national and regional events. We engage in federal and state public policy advocacy and conduct research on issues that affect Latin@s in the US and abroad. We produce practical publications and tools for the field, disseminate relevant, up-to-date information and facilitate an online learning community that supports practitioners, policy makers and researchers who are working to end domestic violence.
Stories of Impact: Casa de Esperanza, Casa de Esperanza and Tracy Babler, Building the Field of Community Engagement. Copyright © 2015 Building the Field of Community Engagement.
The Center for Women and Families – offers services to all survivors of intimate partner abuse or sexual violence. Our clients include men, and gay, lesbian and transgender people in addition to women and dependent children. We provide a variety of residential and nonresidential services including emergency shelter, transitional housing, counseling and advocacy. If you or someone you love has experienced sexual assault or partner abuse at any point, please remember that help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through our toll-free crisis line: 877-803-7577, Louisville, KY.
Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs – offers domestic violence training and resources based on The Duluth Model to help community activists, domestic violence workers, practitioners in the criminal and civil justice systems, human service providers, and community leaders make a direct impact on domestic violence, Duluth, MN.
"The Duluth Model": Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Wins Prestigious International Prize for Best Policy Worldwide, October 14, 2014.
"The Duluth Model": Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Wins Prestigious International Prize for Best Policy Worldwide, October 14, 2014.