Financial Information for Survivors / Economic Abuse
America Saves Week – during America Saves Week, individuals will be encouraged and assisted to assess their savings progress and take action to advance this progress. This encouragement and assistance will be provided by organizations and professionals with an interest in improving the financial security of individuals and families, Washington, DC.
Building Opportunities for Survivors' Success (BOSS), California Partnership to End Domestic Violence – is a targeted regional initiative launched with support from the Allstate Foundation. The BOSS Program will help service providers support domestic violence survivors in achieving the financial stability necessary to keep their families safe, Sacramento, CA.
Consumer Rights for Domestic Violence Survivors Initiative, Center for Survivor Agency and Justice – a national project that seeks to enhance consumer rights for domestic violence survivors by building the capacity of and building collaborative partnerships between domestic violence and consumer lawyers and advocates, Chevy Chase, MD. Review 2016 Annual Report.
Domestic Violence Survivors, a joint initiative of National Consumer Law Center, National Association of Consumer Advocates and Center for Survivor Agency and Justice – resources and information on a variety of financial issues.