Nonprofit Management
Strategic Planning
ACC Center for Nonprofit Studies – the Center is passionately committed to: providing the highest possible level of professional and volunteer development and organizational capacity building; and sustaining a strong and effective nonprofit community in Austin Community College's eight country service area. Our services include: professional & volunteer leadership development; nonprofit career development; resources and publications; information and referral; nonprofit community connections; and technical assistance, Austin, TX.
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action – is a neutral, open forum committed to strengthening the research community in the emerging field of nonprofit and philanthropic studies. ARNOVA brings together both theoretical and applied interests, helping scholars gain insight into the day-to-day concerns of third-sector organizations, while providing nonprofit professionals with research they can use to improve the quality of life for citizens and communities. Principal activities include an annual conference, publications, electronic discussions and special interest groups, Indianapolis, IN.
Bolder Advocacy – promotes active engagement in democratic processes and institutions by giving nonprofits and foundations the confidence to advocate effectively and by protecting their right to do so. Our goal is to demystify and decode advocacy by equipping organizations with knowledge and tools. We help organizations fully understand the rules and become assertive in their right to pursue their policy goals, Washington, DC. Read Blog.
RecognizeGood – an innovative new social media website. RecognizeGood is dedicated to recording and sharing community stories of kindness and charity. The website is fully integrated with other popular social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Videos can be uploaded to the website via YOUTUBE for a truly personal tribute. Good deeds can also be viewed by city and type of industry. RecognizeGood's goal is to create a movement – a culture shift toward kindness. The stories on RecognizeGood have real emotional impact to change behaviors and attitudes. Nonprofit organizations are ripe with stories of unselfish charity and RecognizeGood is the perfect public forum to thank donors, volunteers, and staff members, Austin, TX. – provides instant access video training guides & webinars to help nonprofits leverage the power of the Internet! Our video training courses help nonprofits to utilize easy, and often free, ways to engage their constituency, communicate their mission, and develop relationships that ultimately help to acquire and maintain donors. Our webinars are presented by nonprofit Internet experts who provide you with extraordinarily accurate and candid information to help you succeed in your mission, Beverly, MA.