Prostitution / Sex Industryrelated
Breaking Free (Vednita Carter's organization) – serving women and girls involved in prostitution and other battered women who have been involved in the criminal justice system, St. Paul, MN.
Prostitution Research & Education – a nonprofit organization that conducts research on prostitution, pornography and trafficking, and offers education and consultation to researchers, survivors, the public and policymakers. PRE's goal is to abolish the institution of prostitution while at the same time advocating for alternatives to trafficking and prostitution ~ including emotional and physical healthcare for women in prostitution. The roots of prostitution are in men's assumptions that they are entitled to buy women for sex, and in racism, and women's poverty, San Francisco, CA.
Real Escape from the Sex Trade – was founded by a group of men and women who wanted to take action against the commercial sex exploitation of girls and young women in Seattle, WA. We work to provide a path to freedom, safety and hope for victims of sex trafficking and people involved in the sex trade. REST has the following teams: direct outreach, prevention, mentors, restorative housing, demand reduction and prayer partners, Seattle, WA. Read Blog.
Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) – provides sexual health information and support to people who engage in sex work. We run a variety of health promotion programs and provide outreach to sex industry workplaces. We also work with sex industry owners and operators to encourage the acceptance and maintenance of safe sex practices, and other forms of workplace health and safety, Strawberry Hills, NSW, AU.
Sex Workers Project – provides legal services and legal training, and engages in documentation and policy advocacy, for sex workers. Using a harm reduction and human rights model, we protect the rights and safety of sex workers who by choice, circumstance, or coercion remain in the industry. The SWP provides critical information to policymakers, activists, and the media on the human rights abuses faced by sex workers and those who are at risk for engaging in sex work. We use documentation-based advocacy, policy analysis, training and education, and collaboration with community-based service providers to advance practical, long-term solutions to the problems faced by this vulnerable and marginalized population. We document the lives of sex workers and put a human face on violations of their human rights, New York, NY.