National Center for Rural Law Enforcement – established within the Criminal Justice Institute in 1994, provides management and forensic education, research, computer and technical assistance for rural and tribal law enforcement agencies throughout the nation. It is the goal of the NCRLE to promote the viewpoint of rural and tribal law enforcement professionals while providing research and technical assistance to these agencies in support of their administrative and operational missions. Criminal Justice Institute – a division of the University of Arkansas System, is to enhance the professional and technical effectiveness of Arkansas' criminal justice entities by offering continuing education in the fields of management, forensics, and computer applications, together with providing research and technical assistance. CJI is committed to continuing and strengthening collaborative efforts with other higher education institutions and law enforcement agencies in order to provide advanced education and professional development for the Arkansas law enforcement community, Little Rock, AR.
Rural Assistance Center – health and human services information for rural America, Grand Forks, ND.
Rural Victimization Project, Florida State University, School of Social Work, Institute for Family Violence Studies – since 1999, the Institute's Rural Victimization Project has used its domestic violence manuals to train hundreds of human service professionals through live workshops. The success and popularity of the programs has led to an overwhelming request for training sessions across the country. In order to meet the increasing demand for domestic abuse training, we have transformed our materials into Online Tutorials that anyone can access and complete, Tallahassee, FL.
Rural Womyn Zone – articles and studies addressing or impacting victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in rural areas.