Violence Against Women – International
Action India – our feminist approach has evolved through interaction with grassroots women in Delhi’s “resettlement colonies.” We work with these communities to develop knowledge about reproductive health, nutrition, women’s legal rights, and conflict resolution through the dissemination of information and trainings. We organize grassroots groups to campaign for women’s rights. And we conduct policy-level advocacy to promote national and international laws that protect the rights of women, youth, and children, New Delhi, IN.
The African Women's Development and Communication Network – seeks to facilitate and coordinate the sharing of experiences, ideas, information, and strategies for human rights promotion among African women's organisations through networking, communication, capacity-building and advocacy at the regional and international levels, Nairobi, KE.
The African Women's Development and Communication Network – seeks to facilitate and coordinate the sharing of experiences, ideas, information, and strategies for human rights promotion among African women's organisations through networking, communication, capacity-building and advocacy at the regional and international levels, Nairobi, KE.
Alberta Council of Women's Shelters – a province-wide, voluntary organization supporting women's shelters and their partners through education, research and services for the benefit of abused women and their children, Edmonton, CA.
Alternativas Pacificas A.C., Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, MX.
Alternativas Pacificas A.C., Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, MX.
Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center 1-866-USWOMEN (1-866-879-6636) – an international domestic violence crisis line that can be reached internationally toll-free from 175 countries. Contact the toll-free crisis line from oversees, by dialing your AT&T USADirect access number and at the prompt, entering 866-USWOMEN (879-6636). Click to find your AT&T USADirect access number. The center serves abused Americans, mostly women and children, in both civilian and military populations overseas. The crisis line operates 24 hours a day, 6 days a week and is closed from 1 pm Saturday until 1 pm Sunday, PT. Callers in the United States and Canada dial the toll-free number directly, Portland, OR.